Strategic plan

The strategic framework sets out a plan for the REF over the 5 year period between 2019 and 2023. The implementation of this strategy will underpin intellectual leadership and service to the professions, industry, the private sector, government and to the wider society, particularly in the SUH region.

As a strategic document, it commits us to supporting educational and research excellence in all its forms at SUH. This working document will develop specific action plans to identify new facilities to achieve the vision set out in the framework. It will also inform SUH’s future investments in support of education and research.

The core components of the strategic plan include:

  • Our Vision, Mission and Values
  • Five Strategic Pillars and Priorities
  • Key goals which must be achieved to deliver our Mission. These goals are set in association with the five selected pillars.
  • Strategic targets and actions are formulated to deliver each of our goals.
  • Mechanisms for the implementation, monitoring and review of the Strategic Plan are built into the process.

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