Key achievements
- Development of a library/information centre and education facility, including a lecture theatre, meeting room in Sligo University Hospital through a public/private partnership with SUH.
- In conformity with good ethical practice, the Foundation became a channel for financial contributions from pharmaceutical companies.
- Commissioned by SUH, we carried out surveys of research activities and Education at SUH (1999 and 2003). The surveys assisted in identifying and informing both infrastructural and financial strategic requirements. Some of the data collected significantly influenced national policies.
- Developed a planning brief and feasibility report, with hospital management and OKM architects, for a Clinical Services Support Centre (CSSC ) at SUH which, although approved by the Department of Health, was not built.
- Supported the GP training scheme during the initial programme development phase.
- Provided training programmes, most notably seminars and the Core Curriculum Programme which included: Presentation Skills, Statistical Analysis, Research Project Design, Getting Published, Research Ethics and Poster Design etc. This activity shaped a yearly cycle leading to an Annual Research Day,
- Provision of annual public health lectures in Sligo to share the knowledge of the SUH health care professionals and improve health in the community
- We provide governance and administrative support, financed by SUH, for the SUH Research Ethics committee.
- A research fund banking facility, maintained and administered, on behalf of researchers.